Proper care following your procedure is important and required to achieve optimum results. Keep in mind that some intensity of color will be lost, and/or the color may heal unevenly. This is normal for cosmetic tattoos, especially microblading. This is the reason for the touch-up appointment at 6-12 weeks. Touch-ups are required to fill in any light areas, to go a little darker or thicker if desired, and to adjust shape or color if needed.
It is critical that you read and follow all instructions provided for the full healing period to ensure proper healing and color retention. Results will vary for all individuals.

Blotting your cosmetic tattoo

We have created a wound and all wounds weep body fluids. Some will weep more and for a longer period than others. Blotting off these fluids and the excess pigment is critical to a good healed result and optimum color retention. If these fluids are allowed to remain on the brows and accumulate, you will get heavier scabbing. Heavy scabbing can pull out the pigment which will result in light spots and unevenness of color. Dampen a paper towel with water and blot your new brows every 15 minutes upon leaving the studio. Continue blotting every 15 minutes until the weeping has subsided, then every hour until bedtime. The following two days, blot your brows about 5 times throughout the day. If you have eyebrow hair, please make sure you are getting beyond the hair and actually blotting the tattooed skin.

Washing your cosmetic tattoo

After 48 hours, you will begin washing your new brows at the sink. Starting at bedtime, you will wash 1-2 times a day. Only use cold/cool water and the recommended cleanser. Do not use a washcloth or any type of cleansing device. Using only your clean fingertips and a gentle cleanser, pat with a very light touch and gently cleanse in the direction of the hair growth. Pat, do not rub, as you wash. Make sure to rinse off all cleanser. Pat dry with a paper towel. Air dry an additional 10 minutes before applying ointment. Never put ointment on a wet or damp tattoo.

Applying ointment to your cosmetic tattoo

Begin using the ointment following the first wash at 48 hours. Only use the ointment provided to you. Apply a tiny, rice grain-size amount of ointment to your brows 2-3 times a day until the flaking has stopped. Always blot the prior ointment off before applying a new layer of ointment.

  • Always wash your hands thoroughly before touching the brow area.
  • Do not take hot showers. Keep bathroom doors open to prevent any steam. Steam will cause the pores to open and flakes to soften, resulting in improper healing. Keep your face out of the water. Do not let the shower spray hit you directly in the face for 2 weeks. At the very end of the shower, you may wash your hair and rinse it back away from your face. Avoid letting shampoo and/or conditioner run down your face, as it can cause discoloration of the pigment.
  • Do not use more than the recommended amount of ointment. Too much ointment can starve the skin of air and can result in loss of pigment. Use just enough to moisten. Allergic reaction to the ointment is extremely rare but possible. If you notice any bumps or rash or you think you may be having a reaction, stop using the ointment immediately.
  • Absolutely no pet grooming, gardening, dusting, or anything that causes circulating dust, dirt, and/or dander until after you begin washing your new brows. Waiting 5 full days is best.
  • Absolutely no exercising until your brows have finished flaking. Waiting 10 full days is best. Do not do any activity that causes your face to sweat or heat up and turn red. Sweat contains salt, which can infect, fade, and/or discolor your brows.
  • Absolutely no direct sun exposure for 2 weeks. If you must be outside, please wear a hat to protect your healing brows. After 2 weeks, using sunscreen on your brows is highly recommended. UV rays can fade and/or discolor your brows.
  • During your healing process do not expose your new brows to chemicals, hot tubs, pools, lakes, ponds, saunas, hot water, saltwater, direct shower spray, etc.
  • Absolutely no makeup on your brows for 2 weeks. Topical makeup, makeup brushes, etc. harbor bacteria. Your brows need adequate time to heal to avoid irritation and/or infection. You may wear makeup, but avoid applying it on or close to your healing brows.
  • No facial treatments or injectables for 2 weeks.
  • Do not use laser light therapy on your brows, as this can darken, lighten, and/or distort the pigment.
  • No massages for 2 weeks.
  • Avoid sleeping on your face for 10 days. If you are a side or stomach sleeper, investing in a silk pillowcase is recommended.

All procedures are conducted in accordance with OSHA bloodborne pathogen standards. Once you leave The Beauty Mark Permanent Makeup Studio, it is important to follow all aftercare instructions to avoid complications. Tenderness to the area is expected. This is a wound that must heal. Complications are extremely rare. However, if you observe any conditions that are not consistent with the healing process, such as any sign of infection, pus, red streaks stemming from the procedure area, eyeball irritation, or abnormal discharge or conditions, contact your physician for immediate treatment and advise Heather Wilhelm, Owner/Artist of The Beauty Mark Permanent Makeup Studio as soon as possible.

Next, read my article about Brow Healing.